Be sure you have read over the forms which are required before your lash appointment.
failure to complete the forms prior to your appointment may result in your appointment being delayed or cancelled.
once you have read over forms, please sign below waiver to acknowledge you agree.
completing the signature / initial information below will represent your signature/ initial on the forms below, meaning you do not have to check any boxes or blanks.
(except the photo consent box).
Be sure you have read over the forms which are required before your wax appointment.
failure to complete the forms prior to your appointment may result in your appointment being delayed or cancelled.
once you have read over forms, please sign below waiver to acknowledge you agree.
completing the signature / initial information below will represent your signature/ initial on the forms below, meaning you do not have to check any boxes or blanks.
(except the photo consent box).
if you have any questions please contact us, thank you! call, email, or complete contact form below.